Madeleine - 2019-05-09 03:38:52

Hi there!

I can see this blog hasn't really been active for 8 years but I just wanted to drop you a message to say a huge thank you for having put the time into this! I am trying to learn Latvian to be able to communicate with my Latvian partner's family as we do not share a common language and believe it or not, there still aren't many useful tools online to learn Latvian today and I keep turning to your blog as a reference for understanding things from my anglophone perspective.

Don't know if this message will reach you, but just wanted to express my gratitude!

Warm regards,


AUTHOR: Madeleine
SUBJECT: [Learning Latvian] Contact Me
[1_Name] => Madeleine
[2_Email] =>
[3_Subject] => learning too!
[4_Comment] => Hi there!

I can see this blog hasn't really been active for 8 years but I just wanted to drop you a message to say a huge thank you for having put the time into this! I am trying to learn Latvian to be able to communicate with my Latvian partner's family as we do not share a common language and believe it or not, there still aren't many useful tools online to learn Latvian today and I keep turning to your blog as a reference for understanding things from my anglophone perspective.

Don't know if this message will reach you, but just wanted to express my gratitude!

Warm regards,

